There is a pre-Call meeting on Monday, Oct. 28th at 6:30pm. Pres. Finnern and Pastor Klatt will be there to guide us through the process of Calling our next pastor. If you'd like to be part of the Call committee, please let Randy know as soon as possible.
Baskets for the Silent Auction should be at church by Oct. 31. The actual auction itself will begin on Nov. 3 and go for 10 days. The proceeds go toward the cost of repairing the roof.
The Fall Supper will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13th, from 5pm - 6:30pm. The menu includes: baked meatballs, salad bar, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetable and some kind of dessert. Cost is $14 for adults; $8 for kids aged 6-11. Under 5 there's no charge.
The Fall Supper will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13th, from 5pm - 6:30pm. The menu includes: baked meatballs, salad bar, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetable and some kind of dessert. Cost is $14 for adults; $8 for kids aged 6-11. Under 5 there's no charge.
The LWML meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm. They collect mites on the first Sunday of every month.
Quilters meet every Tuesday at 1pm (Sept. - May).
Memorial Ideas? If you have any ideas as to how families can use their memorial money to help the church, please contact Robin and let her know. We've had people ask after almost every funeral; and we always have to tell them that we don't have a list. Hopefully that will change!
New Prayer Policy: If you have a loved one (or yourself) on the prayer list, we will be contacting you every month (or so) to see if you want them (yourself) to remain on the list. Hopefully God will have brought about some healing for you / your loved one.
Quilters meet every Tuesday at 1pm (Sept. - May).
Memorial Ideas? If you have any ideas as to how families can use their memorial money to help the church, please contact Robin and let her know. We've had people ask after almost every funeral; and we always have to tell them that we don't have a list. Hopefully that will change!
New Prayer Policy: If you have a loved one (or yourself) on the prayer list, we will be contacting you every month (or so) to see if you want them (yourself) to remain on the list. Hopefully God will have brought about some healing for you / your loved one.
Due to a decision by the MN legislature, the Options for Women clinic in Morris no longer has access to state funding. They are in desperate need of help. Please consider donating to their organization. You can give a special donation to St. Mark’s and it will get sent there.
We have meetings of our church leaders every 2nd Monday of the month. The Board of Elders meet at 6pm; the full church council meets at 7pm.
RADIO BROADCAST If you want to sponsor the broadcast of our worship services, the cost is $35. There’s a sign-up sheet by the office.
PORTALS OF PRAYER are available on the back table. There are large print portals available, too. If you'd like one, contact Robin in the church office.
Prairie Five is always looking for volunteers (drivers, stocking food shelves, working at the thrift store, delivering meals). If you're interested in helping, contact Elizabeth or Emily at: 320-269-6578.